
Apple Siri Versus Google Jelly Bean: Voice Search Showdown - fraleywhisight

Apple's Siri Versus Google Jelly Bean: Voice Search Showdown

Incomparable of the big enhancements in the Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) operating system update that Google proclaimed on June 27 is improved voice recognition in search. You can straight off ask your Android phone questions in a natural way–meaning you no longer have to complete the likes of a robot to get answers.

We wondered which service is better at answering questions: Android's Voice Search or Apple's much-touted Siri. To test the services, we assembled a list of 17 questions Beaver State commands, and asked them of a Galaxy Nexus running Jelly egg and an iPhone 4S flying iOS 5.

A quick disclaimer: Apple has greatly better Siri in iOS 6, but we weren't able to get our hands on the beta to test it. And the version of Gelatin Bean we standard from the Google I/O developer conference was not the final variant, which will refer phones in mid-July.

Our results? Siri and the new vocalize recognition software in Jelly Bean all have got their fair share of pros and cons. Ultimately, Android came out ahead on 8 of the 17 questions and commands we posed.

Here's a breakdown of how well each phone handled from each one question or task.

Question 1: "Where Is the New York State Building?"

Siri seemed to give ail understanding this query, while Jelly Bean plant produced a correspondenc that gave us the direct of the Empire State Building in New York. For now, Humanoid has the whip hand when IT comes to locating famous buildings.

Winner: Android Jelly egg

Question 2: "Testament I Indigence an Umbrella on Sunday?"

The first a few times we asked this question, Siri gave us directions to the nearest department stores. We believe that it may have been trying to point us to places that sold umbrellas, preferably than respondent our weather enquiry.

When Siri finally realized that we were asking about the weather, it informed us that it could not predict what the endure would be connected Sunday, and showed the States a graphic displaying the local weather outlook for the next basketball team years. Android told us that we wouldn't need an comprehensive on Sunday, and also produced a five-day prognosticate.

Winner: Android Jelly egg

Enquiry 3: "Show Me Pictures of Mount Rushmore"

Android automatically brought high a fine reference grid of images, piece Siri asked if we wanted to perform a Web search. Siri finally showed America what we had asked for, but it required an unnecessary step.

Success: Humanoid Jellify Dome

Question 4: "Where Can I Get a Taco Or so Here?"

Siri, which pulls its results from Yelp, brought up 20 restaurants in the sphere that had tacos along the bill of fare. Humanoid bestowed a correspondenc of places that served tacos, but only one establishment was nearby; the eternal rest were spread passim the City. We have to hand IT to Siri on this one, imputable the issue of results and undischarged to how close they were to our approximate location.

Winner: Apple Siri

Question 5: "What's the Capital of Canada?"

Both phones came up with an answer, but Android was faster at fetching a result.

Achiever: Android Jelly Edible bean

Question 6: "Get Me Directions to the Golden State Honorary society of Sciences"

As with the Empire State Building question, Mechanical man immediately brought up a map with the location of the Golden State Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, and started opening Google Maps to give us directions.

Siri found two entries for the California Honorary society of Sciences, and required us to quality the correct entry before proceeding to give us directions.

Winner: Android Jelly Bean

Question 7: "How Old Is Stan Lee?"

Both Siri and Mechanical man gave us an answer, but Google showed us a picture of Wonder's Stan Gypsy Rose Lee and read the solvent to United States of America.

Winner: Android Jelly Edible bean

Question 8: "WHO Was the First Pick in the NBA Draft Last Year?"

Neither Siri nor Humanoid had an response to this question, and both defaulted to performing a Google look alternatively.

Winner: Tie

Next Page: Math, Horoscopes, and Kanye West

Question 9: "When Was Apple Founded?"

Siri gave United States an answer from W Important, but Android read us our answer.

Winner: Humanoid Jelly Bean

Question 10: "Set a Timekeeper for 5 Transactions"

Siri actually set a timer and had a nice graphic to go with it.

On Android, Jelly Bean plant set an alarm for 5 minutes into the future. Some approaches work, though we preferred the right smart Siri handled this task.

Achiever: Apple Siri

Question 11: "What's 56 Divided by 7?"

Mechanical man was the opening one back with the answer to our math problem, while Siri took clip to contact Tungsten Alpha for help.

Victor: Android Jelly Noggin

Question 12: "What's $100 in Euros?"

Much as with our math trouble, Android was the first one back with an answer.

Siri took yearner, but it went above and beyond the call of duty by also bringing us vogue rates for assorted countries, plus a graphical record showing previous conversion rates for the euro.

Winner: Orchard apple tree Siri

Question 13: "What's My Horoscope for Today?"

Both Android and Siri failed to answer this question, and defaulted to playacting an online search.

Winner: Tie

Question 14: "Tell Me a Story"

Siri went on to tell United States of America a rather lengthy tale, while Android just did another Google search.

Victor: Apple Siri

Question 15: "Sing Me a Song"

Siri sang America a song, whereas Android performed a Google search for the phrase "sing me a song."

Achiever: Apple Siri

Question 16: "Play Many Kanye West"

Siri started playing a Kayne West song from the iTunes library, while Android tried to conduct a search for "Conyay West."

Strangely enough, we were able to get Android to recognize strange artists so much as Michael Jackson and The Killers, but somehow information technology refused to realise the correct spelling of Kanye West's advert.

Winner: Apple Siri

Question 17: "What's the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?"

Siri gave us a semiserious answer, while Google brought up a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference.

Winner: Tie

Android seems to do better on questions relating to navigation and maps, but Siri is superior at finding places to eat and playing music.

It will follow interesting to see what other improvements Apple will make to Siri when iOS 6 launches in the go down, and whether Google can press away the quirks in Humanoid Jelly Bean before it releases in middle-July.


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